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    Giving Back: Sarah Walls

    “Everyone needs a little encouragement,” says Sarah Walls. She’s dedicated to helping alleviate food insecurity and other pressing needs in our community. But taking the time to listen, to share hope and a smile is just as important. She’s always volunteered where she could, but she wanted to do more. Five years ago, she retired early from Mars, where she was a documentation administrator in the engineering department, so she could fulfill a longheld dream to spend her time helping others.



    The Food Bank is an incredible community resource that makes a difference in thousands of people’s lives.

    She found a welcoming family of like-minded and caring volunteers at the Chester County Food Bank. The Food Bank is an incredible community resource that makes a difference in thousands of people’s lives. Their new 12-week workforce development program called FRESHstart Kitchen, for example, prepares under or unemployed people for sustainable employment in the foodservice industry. “It’s about providing support for the whole person,” Sarah says.


    Giving back is part of Sarah’s DNA. She grew up in a big family watching her mother helping others. Her Christian faith is the biggest inspiration for her service, and she started a food pantry at her church. Sarah particularly loves the days she spends meeting and talking with seniors and giving out Senior Food Boxes, filled by the Food Bank and decorated by local children.


    She encourages everyone to keep their eyes open and take even a small step to help someone in need. “Join, or start, a volunteer program where you work, start a food drive, or make a donation at a store,” she says. “Creating a stronger community takes people putting their hands to the plow. Nothing is too small when you’re helping someone else.”


    If you would like to volunteer at the Chester County Food Bank, please visit