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The online Fig calendar is a curated list of community and advertiser events happening in West Chester.
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We love their passion for creatively communicating a story through the art of film and were excited to sit down with them recently for an interview.
Dr. Timothy Blair, an Advisory Board member at Uptown!, is Fig's Patron of the Arts.
WCU is bringing the best in the performing arts to the community!
Jean Gross encourages you to engage with the arts this season!
Discover the artists, makers, and innovators who continuously imagine and re-imagine our town.
My whole life has been these wonderful experiences which resonate in my work and my everyday living.
Take a stroll through all the incredible art West Chester has to offer!
Experience the fine art and craftwork of over 200 juried artists from across the US.
Windish Music and Productions brings the world to West Chester and entertainment to the world.
Today, Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center offers a full calendar of events including live theater, music, comedy, renowned speakers, film, and a theater school for children.
Here's a new event lineup at Uptown! for February & March.
From inspiring leaders to delicious gelato, here is 2018 Fig West Chester in review.
Sign Up for Love Local Weekly
Discover inventive small business owners, makers, and innovators who are masters in their fields and will help you create the home of your dreams and engage with your community.